

Thanks to our sponsors for supporting the 2023 Gayaa Dhuwi Annual Conference.

Silver Sponsors

LivingWorks Australia is the leading developer of suicide intervention skills training with more than 40 years experience. Livingworks is a mission-driven organisation with an industry-leading approach to suicide prevention: we want to empower everyone to play a role. Building on the success of the existing LivingWorks ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop - I-ASIST was developed with Indigenous leadership and consultation, and created specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. I-ASIST is a 2.5 day workshop that provides a culturally relevant framework for participants to learn how to provide a suicide first-aid intervention, work with someone to develop a personalised safety plan, and connect with further help. More recently, under the guidance of the National Indigenous Training & Delivery Manager Tegan Schefe, LivingWorks has developed SafeYARN, an adaptation of the half-day SafeTALK program, which provides skills-based training in identification and referral of individuals experiencing thoughts of suicide. LivingWorks Australia works with a number of Indigenous organisations across the country to deliver I-ASIST and SafeYARN, including National Indigenous Australians Agency, Gayaa Dhuwi Proud Spirit Australia, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC), Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and more. These programs are accredited with Suicide Prevention Australia's Quality Improvement Program.

Lowitja Institute is Australia’s only national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled health research institute named in honour of its Patron, Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue AC CBE DSG.

It is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisation working for the health and wellbeing of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through high impact quality research, knowledge exchange, and by supporting a new generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers.


The Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme offers financial redress and Personal Acknowledgment for Stolen Generations survivors who were removed from their families or communities in the territories.

The Scheme seeks to recognise the harm and trauma experienced by Stolen Generations survivors and offers eligible people a:

  • redress payment of up to $75,000
  • healing assistance payment of $7,000
  • Personal Acknowledgement.
  • A Personal Acknowledgement is an opportunity for a Stolen Generation’s survivor’s story of removal and the impact it has had on them to be acknowledged in a personalised and genuine way by a senior government person.

    The Scheme operates on the basis of doing no further harm, there is trauma-aware and healing informed supports available to help stolen Generations survivors at all stages of the application process.

    Find out more about the Scheme and eligibility here: http://territoriesredress.gov.au/

    The Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme is administered by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA). Our vision is to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are heard, recognised and empowered. We recognise each First Nations community is unique. We work in partnership with community to make sure policies, programs and services meet their unique needs.

    The National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP) is a national peak workforce association committed to ensuring Australia’s health care system meets the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
    We have been funded by the Australian Government since August 2009 to:

  • promote the prevention and control of disease and other health conditions in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • improve the health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • address the impacts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage and the under representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working within Australia’s health care system. We achieve this by:
  • delivering and collaborating on initiatives to promote, professionalise and expand the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Health Practitioner workforce
  • recognising, addressing and promoting social and cultural determinants of health
  • establishing and maintaining networks, partnerships and alliances with key government agencies, other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, researchers, academic institutions, and other national health bodies
  • participating in a range of key strategic initiatives to influence design and delivery of policies, programs and services
  • role modelling benefits of community control and self-determination
  • implementing rights-based best practice principles and approaches.

  • Bronze Sponsors

    SANE is the leading national mental health organisation for Australians impacted by persistent, recurring or complex mental ill health and trauma. SANE is working towards ending mental health inequality, reducing discrimination and exclusion and improving quality of life through the provision of quality digital and phone counselling, peer support services, arts programming and services, and advocacy and research programs. Led by the voices of lived experience, SANE supports individuals, families and communities on their journey to recovery by addressing mental ill health as well as assisting with social supports such as housing, poverty and disabilities. Learn more at www.sane.org

    Contact us 

    If you have any questions please contact This is Creative:

    Email: gayaadhuwi@thisiscreative.com.au 
    Phone: (02) 8091 2620